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Portrait Laurie Bérubé

Laurie Bérubé

Well, hello there! I am, indeed, Laurie Bérubé, Lau or even Lolo.  Since I was very young, people have compared me to a little ray of sunshine because of my smile and my constant laughter.  Very early in my life, I was hanging by my knees not touching the ground all wrapped up in a red tissu.  I quickly understood that circus would become part of my life when I first went on stage, at the age of 8.  The stage seemed familiar and I took great pleasure on it.  Being a curious and energetic young girl I like to broaden my knowledge and push my body's abilities further, which makes me a versatile and constantly evolving artist. Whether in the air or on the ground, I try to be as much upside down as possible.  Life is much more fun when seen from upside down!

For the last 8 years of my life, I trained at the National Circus School of Montreal, where I graduated from high school and I am completing the college program.  These many years have allowed me to tame several horizons to form the person I have become today.

Photo credit: Guillaume Hébert

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